Thursday, December 31, 2009

Ebert's List

Now this is a list:
Roger Ebert's Top Films of the Decade

Please notice #5 on the list- "Me and you and everyone we know". I can't believe this movie is actually on Ebert's list of top movies of the decade- not because it's not a good movie, but because so few people have seen it and even the ones who have may not appreciate its depth at all. However, I am not one of these people, so Rog and I have #5 in common. :)

Kudos also to Ebert for placing Spike Lee's "25th Hour" #8 on the list.

Not sure how I feel about "Almost Famous" and "Crash" being on there, but I figure Ebert has a soft spot for young journalist coming-of-age stories ("Famous") and not sure what fascinated him about Crash. Yes, it was well-received by critics and audiences, but I see it as more of a "message" movie than a piece of art.

Feel free to comment on the list. Now I have some movies to watch: Numbers 1, 6, 7, 10, 12, 14, 16-20. :)


  1. Faith and I still use the quote "You think you deserve the pain but you don't" when we talk about shoes.

  2. Ha! Awesome! Nice to know there are more "Me and you" fans out there!
