Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Movie suggestions

Hello reader (if you're out there). :)

I welcome movie suggestions and comments about your favorite movies, actors, directors, writers. I feel like I've come to a fork in the road when it comes to movies (rentals, in particular). I'm thinking that I should start renting older movies that I have missed or overlooked. By older, I mean anything pre-2000, not necessarily black&white or silent. :)

Looking forward to your suggestions!


  1. You should use one of the AFI lists as a reference. Pick a list and work through it, or see if all of the Oscar-winning best films were better than their competition.

  2. Have you seen All About Eve?

  3. Dear anonymous:
    I am ashamed to admit that I have not see "All About Eve". Thanks for the suggestion. I will try to pick it up this weekend. Stay tuned for a review in the near future.
